Luca Zedda

Game Writing, narrative design

Narrative Designer at Paintbucket Games, currently working on 'The Darkest Files'.
MA graduate of Digital Games: Theory and Design, with another MA in Creative Writing.

For the most up to date examples of my work see The Darkest Files, or play our demo on Steam!

You can contact me here: [email protected]

The Darkest Files

Paintbucket Games - Narrative Designer

Nothing belongs to the past, everything is still present and can become the future again.

- Fritz Bauer

Frankfurt, West Germany, 1956

World War 2 has ended. Yet Nazis can still be found in high-ranking positions all across Germany. Hesse's Attorney General Fritz Bauer establishes a special unit of young, unencumbered public prosecutors to pursue and investigate Nazi crimes and to prosecute the perpetrators.

July 2022 - Present

Role: Narrative Designer
Status: Anounced, Demo on Steam

What I work on:
- Writing (ex. dialogues, lore)
- Character (concepting, design)
- Overarching Story (ex. design, implementing)
- Game Design (ex. optional interactions, notepad)
- Editing and peer review, table reads.

ArticyDraft, Unity3D, Audacity, Google Workspace

As most of my work is still covered by an NDA, the examples below are taken from the publicly available demo on Steam:


Dialogue writing and logical (occasionally VO as well) implementation is my main responsibility.

I've worked on the majority of the dialogues from the demo, either writing them from scratch or proofreading and editing existing ones.

This includes linear and branching dialogue for events, barks and central 'hubs' for two characters. Through them, I've become adept at creating complex logic structures in ArticyDraft.

Examples (from PalicoPadge's playthrough on Youtube):
Fritz Bauer, Simon Peters, Christoph Wohlmuth, Paula Fischer.

**Characters **

In addition to writing for the established cast, I am tasked with developing new characters for the story.

The majority of them are not included in the demo, apart from the two colleagues: Simon Peters and Christoph Wohlmuth.

Overarching Narrative

I am involved in designing the overarching narrative of the game, as well as responsible for developing the plot for sections further in the game.

This includes working on character backstories, designing the 'riddles' of the case solutions, implementing planned events into the game and utilising existing systems to deliver the story.

Research and World Building

Another task is communicating the world and story through in-game documents and texts: case files, letters, newspapers and notebook entries.

Such texts require a wide variety of voices as well as a substantial amount of research to keep them historically accurate.